I am an encouraging mindset coach and creator of this blog. My goal is to help you improve your mindset, reduce stress, and create the confidence you need to become the best version of you.
The goal of this blog is to help you discover the tools you need to identify and transform the limiting beliefs that hold you back so you can become your happiest and most authentic self. You will find hope, encouragement, and inspiration to live your best life.
I know what it is like to look in the mirror and hate the person that is reflecting back, to feel as if everything in your world is out of control, and to feel like you are broken beyond repair.
I will share with you the wealth of information that I have discovered through my process of healing and restoration. Together we will take a journey that will help you become the best version of you.
I am passionate about helping people on their journey to healing their past and accepting the present so they can create the beautiful life they are destined to live!
I know how difficult and stressful life can be. The majority of my past struggles were caused because I was a perfectionist, over thinker, and struggled with approval addiction. I placed a lot of pressure on myself to appear that I had it all together.
I spent too many years of my life holding myself back from doing what I truly wanted to do because of the limiting beliefs that I held about myself. Instead of living life, life was what happened.
Fear, shame and guilt consumed my life. Because of that, it caused me to make a lot of poor life decisions. One of which was to marry a narcissist, who eventually tried to kill me.
You can read more about my healing journey – Finding Hope in the Darkness – A Journey of hopelessness and despair to one of joy and peace.
Because many of my decisions throughout my life were made because of my false identity, I know the pain of:
Now I live life on purpose, for a purpose. I discovered how to eliminate negative self talk, overcome my approval addiction, and release the chains of perfectionism.
Because I am someone who has been where you are, I know that you too can over come any challenge or difficult situation that you face. You have more power over your life than you believe you do.
Everything I share on Gracefully Living Life Love is designed to help you gain confidence, clarity and the tools you need to find happiness and live your best life.
I hope to help you discover how worthy, precious, and loved you truly are.
With much love,