
What Does It Mean To Be Enough?

What does it mean to be more than enough? I asked myself that question many times. I discovered that once I started to practice self love, I came to realize that I am enough. And you too my precious friend are more than enough!

It is okay to be at a place of struggle. Struggle is just another word for growth. Even the most evolved beings find themselves in a place of struggle now and then. In fact, struggle is a sure sign to them that they are expanding; it is their indication of real and important progress. The only one who doesn’t struggle is the one who doesn’t grow. So if you are struggling right now, see it as a terrific sign — celebrate your struggle.

~ Neal Donald Walsch

You more than are enough!

Be more than enough when break free of the barriers that hold you back

You are more than enough my precious friend.  I know there are many things in this world that want to tell you otherwise… especially social media.  I am here to tell you to stop listening to what the world says and start learning to embrace the perfectly imperfect you.

I have been on a journey of healing my mind and soul.  During this process, I have become aware of how I allowed other people’s opinions and perceptions (of me) to mold me into the person they wanted me to be.

Above all, I have discovered that I truly believed what others said I was and was not.  Unfortunately, my distorted view of myself prevented me from being the truest version of myself.  I also lost who I was in the process.  Thankfully, my sweet Jesus didn’t allow me to stay in that distorted place.

Learn more about me and my journey… Welcome to Gracefully Living Life Loved

More than enough

Past hurts and failures

For the last 6 years I have been mentoring and encouraging people to become the best version of themselves.  It all began after I realized how past hurts and failures keep us stuck in the “truths” that we hold.  These “truths” are not necessarily true.  They are perceptions that we form about ourselves because of the experiences we have had in life.

I have written posts about shame, shame-based identities, and how comparison destroys self-worth and confidence.  I wrote those posts out of experience.  My desire is to help you realize that the things of the past do not need to be setbacks but rather stepping stones to help you become the best version you can be.

Your past does not dictate your future.  Therefore, that means you are not stuck in the place that you are right now… only if you choose to be.  The only limit to becoming the best version you can be is you.  I know from my own journey that I had to decide if I was going to stay in the pit I was in or take the ladder Jesus was offering and climb out.  Choose the ladder Worthy One!

Just because a thought is in your head does NOT mean it’s your thought; it does NOT mean you put it there; and it does NOT mean that it’s true.

How I Climbed Out of the Pit

As I was walking through my healing process, I came to a place where I had to decide if I was going to stay where I was… in my pit of despair and misery… or was I going to allow my Jesus to come to my rescue.  I chose to surrender my heart, my hurts, my dysfunction, and every broken piece of my soul to Jesus.

Thankfully, Jesus lowered the ladder into my dark pit and I climbed out.  One step at a time, He set me free from beliefs that I held onto as “truths”.  He set me free from lies and revealed truth to me.  One by one I was set free from the chains that bound my mind.

Because I chose to surrender my hurts, I discovered how much I was loved unconditionally by my Father in Heaven.  I also recognized my worth and value comes from Him and not anywhere else.  I also discovered that He is my source of strength and hope, there is power in His name, and that I am enough because I am His child created in His image.

I was able to surrender to Jesus because I have a personal relationship with Him.  If you want to learn more about having a personal relationship like I have with my best friend – click hereLet Faith Arise

Set Free!

I was set free from the lie…

  • I wasn’t beautiful…  wasn’t worthy of love and acceptance
  • My life had no purpose or meaning
  • If people really knew that real me… they wouldn’t like me
  • I did not deserve good things to happen to me
  • I was a piece dirty trash… fat… ugly… stupid
  • My personality was wrong
  • I was a mistake… worthless… flawed… a failure
  • I needed to be perfect
  • I can’t ask for help… I shouldn’t need help
  • If I ask for anything, I’ll be a burden… and they won’t want me anymore 
  • I’m a terrible wife/mother/friend

Want to Find Freedom From the Lies?

Can you relate to any of the lies that I found freedom from?  You too can be set free from beliefs that you hold onto as “truths”.  Here are the steps that I took:

  1. Identify the Lie – aka.. your limiting belief
  2. Stop Cooperating with the Thought
  3. Replace the Lies with Truth

It is sometimes hard to identify the root of your behavior and thoughts.  So, I encourage you to ask Jesus to show you what things you believe that are not true.  Start paying attention to the thoughts that run through your mind.  Think about… what you are thinking about.

Once you realize the negative thoughts that are going through your mind… stop agreeing with them, dwelling on them, and acting on them.  You control what thoughts stay in your mind.  The power belongs to YOU!  The only authority the negative thoughts have over you is the power you give them.

Ask yourself, “What does God’s Word say about this lie?”

Find verses that speak about that and hide them in your heart by memorizing them.  Allow Bible scriptures about who you are in Christ to sink deep within your soul.  Read them out loud to yourself.

Consequently, your spirit knows the truth.  As you speak the Word of God over your life, your mind and spirit will come into alignment with it and believe it.  I know, for myself, that is how I was able to break free from the lies that I held onto as my “truth”.  If it can happen for me… it can happen for YOU!  You deserve to live a life full of joy, peace, and contentment my precious friend.

Knowing Who I Am in Christ by Joyce Meyer – Scripture List

Take Your Thoughts Captive and Talk Back

When, yes when, those thoughts come back to you it is important that you take them captive.  Seize them!  You can’t undo overnight what took years to create.

Do you ever find yourself thinking thoughts you know aren’t true, but you feel like they’re true, or you feel like you can’t help yourself?

Granted, we all have had or have voices feeding us shame-inducing thoughts.  Now you know YOU have the power to intentionally quit thinking them and think new thoughts based on God’s truth. So, use your power and take those thoughts captive!

How I Took My Thoughts Captive

So, in order to take my thoughts captive, I had to talk to myself… encourage myself and tell myself the opposite of what the lie was telling me.  When my past came back screaming in my face… “you will never measure up… you are useless and hopeless… fat… ugly… stupid… worthless… flawed… a failure… incapable… inadequate…”

I would tell myself the truth…

  • I am alive with Christ. (Ephesians 2:5)
  • I am a new creature in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
  • It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me. (Galatians 2:20)
  • I am greatly loved by God. (Romans 1:7; Ephesians 2:4; Colossians 3:12)
  • I can do all things through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:13)
  • I am God’s workmanship, created in Christ for good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
  • I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. (Romans 8:37)

As a result of talking to myself and speaking (out loud) the truth of God over my life,  therefore I started to believe that I was more than enough and that I also was perfectly and wonderfully made.  I was NOT a mistake!

Therefore, if it worked for me, I am positive it can work for you.  The question is… are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and fight for what is yours… freedom from condemning thoughts?  Will you choose to believe that you are more than enough?

Who I am –  by Hillsong Worship

Here is a video – Who I am –  by Hillsong Worship that will help you understand who you are in Christ.

In order to become all we were created to be, it is so important for each and every one of us to see our natural beauty, accept ourselves, celebrate who we are, and to know that we matter.

Therefore, when you start to doubt yourself, it is very imperative for you to remind yourself that I am more than enough.   Furthermore, when we can embrace who we are and know we are enough, we are able to see our gifts.  So, the choice is yours.

Your Turn.. Do You Believe You Are More Than Enough?

  • What beliefs do you hold onto as “truth”?
  • Do you think about… what you’re thinking about?
  • Are you stopping yourself when you’re thinking the wrong things and fighting back with the Word of God?
  • What are the gifts you have to offer the world?
  • Do you know deep down in our soul that you are more than enough?

Consequently, in order for healing to take place, it is crucial that you internalize how precious and worthy you truly are.  So, I encourage you to stop giving the power to your thoughts and emotions and take those thoughts captive.  Start speaking to yourself and affirm that YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH because it is true (regardless if it isn’t your truth right now)!

In conclusion, I would love to hear how you have overcome the lies that tried to hold you back and how you are taking steps to overcome the lies.  Please feel free to email me and ask any questions that you have.

Let this knowledge settle into your mind, heart, and every part of your being so that you know… YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!

If you are struggling to believe that you are enough, just know that so DID I! I discovered that I don’t have to be more.. do more.. or be perfect to be enough.

I would encourage you to believe that you ARE more than enough.

There are probably areas in your life you wish you were “more” of. If you choose to stop striving for perfection, it will open up opportunities for you to grow, change, and develop into the person you were meant to be.

You do not need to prove yourself Worthy One! You are enough because you are YOU. That’s all you need to be… YOU.

Repeat after me my precious friend, “I am enough!”

Gracefully yours,

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About The Author

Kimberly Dillavou

I am a cherished daughter of my father in Heaven
I am wife to Jess and mom to 3 precious kids.
I am the founder of Gracefully Living Life Loved.


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